LoRa is an abberviation of "Long Range", which also summarizes the key advantage of the wireless technology. LoRa can be used over a wide range of frequencies from 137 MHz to 1020 MHz. This includes numerous license-free ISM bands like 169 MHz, 433 MHz, 868 MHz and 915 MHz. This is a key enabler for inexpensive, world-wide deployments and interoperability.
LoRaWAN is the MAC protocol for high capacity, long range, low power, Internet of Things network of LoRa nodes. It is an open LPWAN standard maintained by the LoRa Alliance. It takes advantage of the LoRa features described above and optimizes battery life and quality of service for the LoRa nodes.
The protocol is fully bi-directional, which allows for reliable message delivery (confirmations). It includes definition of end-to-end encryption for security and data privacy, over-the-air registration of end nodes, and multicast capability.
Ethicstech Slice IoT LoRa series products